Sepia photos: Camden Co. Historical Society; Color photos: Hoag Levins.

CAMDEN, N.J. -- The southeastern corner of the eight-acre Old Camden Cemetery begins at Mt. Vernon Street and Mt. Ephraim Avenue. Today, that corner is dominated by a warehouse built in 1957 (see # 1 above). From 1801 to 1957, the New Newton Quaker Meeting stood on the same spot (see # 2 above). It was Camden's first church. The meeting house faced Mt. Vernon. Behind it was a burial ground where the city's founding Quaker families interred their dead for more than a century. The exact location of the plots are detailed in maps at the Camden County Historical Society (see #3 above). Most were originally marked with low stones engraved with the deceased's name (see # 5). Today, the stones lie below surface and the Quaker Burial Ground appears to be nothing more than a broad vacant lot at one corner of Old Camden Cemetery. But close inspection (see #4) can still locate rows of Quaker gravestones just beneath the grass.
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