Musical Trio Spotlight Jazz Reception
Photography by Hoag Levins ...| ...Feb. 16, 2003

CAMDEN, N.J. -- Jazz Eternity performed at the jazz reception for the opening of the Beverly Collins-Roberts photography exhibit at the Camden County Historical Society yesterday. The trio consists of Ryan Bates (sax), LaVon Tatem (drums) and Bruce Alfred (keyboard). Hear Jazz Eternity: Brief audio #1 | Brief audio #2. (RealPlayer Required)

The trio has been together since 1987 and plays banquets, weddings, receptions and other corporate and institutional events around the area. All three musicians work for the City of Camden: Bates is educational program specialist for the fine arts for the Camden City School District; Tatem is a plant services inspector with the Board of Education; and Alfred is with the Camden Public Works Department.
See larger image.
