Appraising Guests' Heirlooms

Photography by Hoag Levins ...| ...Nov. 20, 2005

PINE HILL, N.J. -- On hand to greet arriving guests were (left to right) Linda R. Gentry, executive director of the Camden County Historical Society; Marty Cobb, owner of Audubon Auctioneers; and Sandy Levins, Historical Society trustee and director of programming. Above, right, appraiser Shaula C. Wright of Cherry Hill studies a small oil painting.

Along with running the night's auction, Marty Cobb of Audubon Auctions (above, left) also doubled as an appraiser. Here, he discusses a violin he identified as an antique dating to 1716. One of the night's most unique finds was a very rare Philadelphia Beer tray from the early 19th century featuring a highly-detailed illustration of an electrically-powered beer truck with wooden axels and hard wheels.

On hand (above, left) were Cheryl McClain, Janet Ganther and Hazel Werner, all Historical Society docents and members of its Mary Cooper Gardeners group. Ms. Werner is also the Society's open-hearth cook. Above right, are Westmont antique dealer Roselyn Felheimer and Historical Society president Richard Pillatt.

Watching the appraisals (above, left) are Historical Society trustee and director of programming Sandy Levins and trustee Bob Thompson and his wife Pat. Mr. Thompson is the City of Camden's Historic Preservation Specialist. Above, right, studying a metal sculpture up close are Curtis Pratt and Bill Quirk, both of Collingswood.

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