A Night of Antique Appraisals

Photography by Hoag Levins ...| ...Nov. 8, 2003

This is a 4-page feature. See Pages: One |
Antique appraisals by a team of five area appraisers was the hit of the evening. Above, left, Marty Cobb of Audubon Auctioneers exams a 19th-century photo album. At the main appraisal table, a print owner (pointing) listens as Richard Houck, an auctioneer at Audubon Auctions; Jim Crawford, an independent appraiser from Collingswood; and Charla Wright, an appraiser from Cherry Hill; study the German artwork (See larger photo).

Attendees carrying everything from jewelry and art prints to silverware and salt-glazed pottery (above, left) line up for appraisals. Above, right, appraiser Marty Cobb studies the Samurai sword brought in by Charles and Jason Decharleroy of Browns Mills. The brothers' grandfather received the sword during the World War II surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay. Mr. Cobb removed the handle and identified a structural feature that indicates the edged weapon is two centuries old (See larger photo).

Retired Camden County newspaper columnist Tillie Clement (above, left) brought a Persian vase to be appraised. "It was really an item I didn't care about and it was surprising to learn that it was valuable," she said (See larger photo). Discussing the passing stream of often-curious antique objects are Isabelle and Calvin Jenkins (above, right) of the Parkside section of Camden. Mrs. Jenkins recently donated a large collection of antique dolls to the Camden County Historical Society.

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